This year’s annual Halloween Special is a double-parked megasode featuring all things “The Shining”! The panel’s trifecta discussion includes the novel by Stephen King as well as the classic Stanley Kubrick film, before finishing strong with...

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Patrick and Grant take on Stephen King’s 11/22/63 as well as the Hulu miniseries of the same name. Best described as literary fiction with elements of science fiction and the supernatural (as only Stephen King...

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It’s the Halloween Special! Matt Bird sits in with Infinite Gestation for a spooky discussion regarding three handpicked short stories (and an essay) by H. P. Lovecraft: “The Shadow Out of Time”, “The Call of Cthulhu”, “The...

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Can a film transcend the novel it was based upon? During a (by no means definitive) discussion of most-loved and patently despised novel to film adaptations, the panel braves some harsh words, endures scathing criticism and experiences several...

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